The findings

Picnic’s main goal is to deliver groceries to people’s homes. The runners who work there go to the location of their work, the Hub. Here they start their work day with loading the groceries into their EPV. There is a frame with crates containing chilled groceries and a frame with non-chilled groceries. In the crates are plastic bags with the groceries. After loading, the tripsheet and the device are set up and the runner leaves with the EPV to hit the road. When arriving at the customer, the runner parks the EPV. The runner opens the EPV and searches for the crates that the device indicates. These crates are scanned, the bags are deloaded from the crates. With the bags, the runner goes to the front door and the runner delivers the bags to the customer. This delivery happens about fifteen times per shift. After the shift, the runner returns to the Hub, takes the frames with crates out of the EPV and returns the gadgets. After work, there are often colleagues who hang out in the canteen.

There are a number of important changes that have taken place due to the Coronavirus. Because of the rules you have to keep 1.5 meters distance from others. This means that colleagues at Picnic must also keep their distance from each other while working. This causes problems, because there are often small spaces where colleagues have to move. In addition, employees are not allowed to touch each other’s belongings. As a result, all used gadgets must be cleaned after use. However, colleagues have to start working at the same time and they don’t have extra time scheduled to clean. A final change that has a major impact is that less help can be offered to customers. The runners are no longer allowed to enter the customer’s house to deliver groceries but have to put groceries in front of the door. Indoor delivery is something many customers appreciate about the grocery business, which is not possible anymore.

For Christien, the Corona virus has both positive and negative influence on her work experience. It is a pity that she is no longer able to help customers as she was used to and that she speaks less to her colleagues. In her personal life, things have also changed, such as major planned activities that are cancelled or that she can meet her friends less. Since she has a gap semester, this would be perfect for fun activities as she mentioned herself. However, it also has advantages for her. She has a lot of time to work because almost no other activities can take place. In addition, the work has also changed, which makes working a bit more interesting since she has been working at Picnic for a long time. Finally, she likes the fact that she can be extra useful in this difficult time. By delivering groceries she practices one of the vital professions. Because of this, customers are very happy with her, because customers are not allowed or do not want to go outside with the risk of getting sick. By suddenly fulfilling an important role in society with her former ‘simple’ side job, the Corona virus has a positive influence on Christien.

Visual Methods Corona Project